Glenda - Down 9kg and 2 dress sizes and feeling stronger than ever!

Celebrating Glenda! Dropping dress sizes and increasing in strength and confidence!

Glenda started with me without much exercise history, wanting to improve her strength. Particularly her core to support her back, and leg strength to support her knees.

She had a lot of issues with pain in her back, and felt unsure of what she could do. We worked on low impact exercises to start, and physio guidance to steadily build up her strength that wouldn’t cause any additional pain.

She has been so consistent, coming almost every single week for the 16 months we have trained together so far, and so her strength steadily improved week by week, getting more capable, able to do more exercises and having less issues with pain in her back.

After a while Glenda was ready for more challenge! She started feeling confident to take on deadlifts, pushups on the bar, and more dumbbell work! Now she is confidently training in the gym, with a wide range of exercises she can do!

She has also been very diligent with her nutrition too, focusing on eating high quality balanced meals and awareness of how much she eats (eating enough!). The combination of high quality nutrition and movement she has dropped 9kg and 2 dress sizes! In the past 8 months 5cm has come off her waist as well.

She is an incredible person with the most lovely soul, I am so happy to see her glowing inside and out, and honoured I am part of her health and fitness journey.