6 Self Love Reminders


Self-love isn’t a luxury, it is a necessity to fully stepping into the woman that you can become.

If you believe you do not deserve or are not worthy of love, happiness and health then you will subconsciously self sabotage your attempts to change. The human mind does not like to act out of sync with what it believes to be true. Fortunately, this can change! While doing something different can feel hard to begin, consistently acting in alignment with self-love creates the belief that you are lovable, worthy and incredible!

Here are a few reminders today to give yourself the love that you deserve:

❤️Give your body what she needs. Nourish your body with movement, sleep, nutritious food, water, sunlight and deep breaths. A healthy body supports a happier mind.

❤️Spend time with yourself. Become familiar with you, knowing yourself is the first step to loving yourself. Do something you like every day.

❤️Reaffirm what you like about yourself. What you focus on becomes your reality. Focus on your wins, your improvements and what you want to become and that is what will grow

❤️Forgive yourself for slip ups with compassion. Remain honest and purposeful in your efforts to improve and remember that you are learning. Every expert was once a beginner and putting yourself down never encourages you to try again.

❤️Don’t compare yourself or your path to others. Cut out negative influences whether they are pages on social media or people in your life. Give less f**ks about what others think of you, their opinions do not determine your worth

❤️Allow yourself to give love and recieve love. Say “I love you” to yourself. Say thank you for compliments and give compliments freely. Let people that you love know you appreciate them. Allow yourself to feel your feelings