How to Build Habits that Stick


Habits are the key to building a lifestyle that works FOR you to move you toward the results that you want. Your brain creates habit loops to make each day easier and “automate” repeated actions so that your brain is free to be aware of the environment. Many people want to become stronger, leaner and healthier, and in order to do this, you must repeatedly do the actions necessary for you to tangibly see and feel this result. But if you haven’t been aware of what you do each day, your brain will have already made habits for convenience, and unfortunately especially in this modern and instantly gratifying world sometimes they do not support a healthy mind and body.

But it requires energy and attention to establish a habit until it is grooved into your brain. Here are a few steps to help you to start building new habits:

1. DECIDE on what you want and focus on ONE habit that has the most benefit
Deciding makes it clear to yourself this is what you want to do and one habit is simple to focus your energy and attention on.

2. Make the first step so easy, you cannot say no

Often what overwhelms us is thinking of completing the whole task, but if you just think of start the task the momentum makes it much more simple to finish. Start by committing to completing one small act - putting on your gym shoes, going outside and walking 10 steps, completing one set of exercises at the gym or bringing one healthy snack with you to work. You are less likely to stop doing the habit once you have started, and the more you repeat, the habit cycles begin to form in your brain


3. Schedule your habit as important as a meeting
Setting consistent times you complete your actions makes them much more likely to become a habit. And prioritise your actions as important as a work meeting. YOU are important. Find times that work best for your habits, or make the time.


4. Track your progress and create a streak

It is motivating seeing your progress. Having a visual representation of movement towards your results is very motivating and makes it like a game. It is also easy to see whether you are being consistent or not.


5. Reflect and course-correct weekly

It is easy to slip back into old, solidified habits. Each week refresh your intention, schedule your week and bring new energy to establishing your habits. With consistency, soon the habits you are working on will be the norm and you can level up with new habits


6. Design your environment to support your goals
It is much easier to stick with habits when they are the standard of the environment you are in. Make it easy in your home to complete good habits. Stock your fridge with wholesome foods and do not buy food that you will overeat. Set your gym clothes out and ready for your morning. Go to a gym that is close to your home or work and is on the way. Join a club or group that does the actions that you want to improve in. Reduce your time with people who are negative influences or drain your energy.

MINDKirsty HolmesMind, Habits