Tracey - Consistently exercising and eating for the first time in years!

Tracey started out with very minimal gym experience and was quite nervous of the gym environment.

We started off with a program working steadily on getting into the gym, and slowly increasing the weights she was using. Now she is coming to the gym 3x a week, very consistently!

She has gotten so much stronger and steadily taken on new challenges with exercises. Some exercises we started out doing were sit to stand squats, glute bridges on the floor and 3kg dumbbell presses. Now she can do goblet squats confidently without the bench with 10kg, hip thrust 50kg and is on the 10kg dumbbells for chest press! We have also started deadlifts now too, so watch this space!

We have also focused a lot on nutrition, gaining more understanding of eating balanced meals, and fueling herself correctly to work on years of eating patterns to trust herself with food!

I am so proud of Tracey and her progress. She has made incredible progress physically, reducing her waist cm by 10.5cm, and hips by 6.5cm and building muscle, but has made even more progress internally with her self-trust, consistency and self confidence! She has improved steadily each month, working through challenges like moving house and work stress to continue looking after her health and wellbeing.

Here’s her review:

Kirsty Holmes