About the Pillars of Powherful - Move, Mind and Munch

Throughout this program we cover the Pillars of Training, Nutrition and Mindset, or as I call them: Move, Mind and Munch. Together these three pillars help form a foundation of a healthy body and mind.


Mind is the mindset Pillar of the Powherful Program. Mental and emotional health is just as important as physical health and is at the heart of true happiness. To feel truly powerful we must have a healthy mind hand in hand with a healthy body.  A woman who is self-confident, knows her worth and cares for herself shines and can show the world who she truly is. She is more likely to take the steps she wants to lead a fulfilling life, treats herself and others with respect and is truly happy no matter what obstacles arise. The Mind Pillar is a key part of becoming Powherful, from the inside out.

In the program, we focus on three aspects in Mind:


Feeling clear, organized and confident is an important part of mental strength. The aspect of Clarity in our Mind Pillar focuses on the mental side of mindset. This includes learning about self awareness, goal setting, habits, planning and productivity.


The Compassion aspect of Mind delves into the emotional side of the mind. Understanding this aspect is key to maintaining mental stability, trust and balance, and is a very important aspect to learning to accept and love yourself. This aspect covers topics such as jounralling, gratitude, emotions, beliefs, self love and acceptance.

Self Care

Self care covers what you can physically do to improve your mindset. This includes self care habits, other than the key Pillars of Training and Nutrition, that you can integrate to give the mind what it needs to be healthy. This includes sleep, supplementation, meditation, stress relief and recovery.


Move is the training and exercise portion of the Powherful Program. Physical fitness is extremely important to becoming a Powherful woman. Not only does it build our muscle, help stabilize our hormones, burn body fat for energy, make us feel strong and capable, it also teaches you many life lessons. Learning to set and achieve goals, improve resilience to stress, build determination and grit, commitment, consistency and discipline. It teaches us to push through when something heavy weighs us down, but also to listen to our bodies and give them the recovery and rest they deserve.

In the program we follow three types of workouts:


Strength or Resistance Training is crucial for developing lean muscle mass, improving metabolic rate, building strength and improving movement patterns. Strength is also important for confidence, resilience to stress and developing a character that is about pushing through obstacles rather than avoiding them. Build sessions involve sets and reps of exercises performed with a determined rep range to build strength and muscle.


Mobility is important for making sure your body moves through full range of motion, reduces injury risk, reduces restriction and pain, and increases relaxation and recovery of your muscles. In Bend sessions, we combine dynamic and static stretches as well as  foam rolling to help maintain mobility.


In the Powherful Program, we focus on HIIT cardio. Blitz sessions use mainly bodyweight exercises in timed intervals of work and rest, and last no longer than 30 minutes. Effort during the intervals should be over 80% of maximum effort to reap the benefits of high-intensity interval training and not turn it into a moderate intensity session. We have seen the best results from adding in HIIT cardio, it's more fun, more sustainable to get your sessions done, has a high fat burning effect and releases endorphins!

The Move programs have 3 different levels you can choose depending on the difficulty of the exercises.

The Program will change up at the 4 week mark.


Munch is the nutrition Pillar of the Powherful Program. Nourishing the body with correct nutrition is paramount to living a healthy, energized life. What we eat is the primary way we assimilate nutrients into our body. The food we digest breaks down to become part of our cells, tissues and the building blocks of our body to grow, repair and move. The Munch Pillar will give you the education to understand what and how to eat for the best results, as well as how to effectively provide nourishment to your body.

In the program we focus on three aspects:


Ratios covers what it means to eat a balanced diet. A diet balanced in quality and quantity plays an extremely important role in achieving abundant energy, balancing hormones, and transforming your body. In a world full of dieting fads and endless eating protocols, the best strategy to truly understand what it is to have a healthy diet is to know the key fundamentals of nutritional science such as calories, macronutrients, micronutrients, and portion sizing.

If we can understand that food is energy, it can be measured, and is made up of nutrients with different properties that help fulfill different roles in the body, we can make better choices and find what it truly means to have a balanced diet.


The aspect of Routine covers nutritional habits. Establishing routine is the most effective way to failsafe your nutrition.  Habits help to preserve your willpower you use each day, and for healthy choices to become "automatic", making it much easier to stick with your goals and make permanent change.


Record covers the accountability and awareness of what you eat. The first rule of nutrition is energy balance. To hit your goals and understand your intake you must plan, track and record your food. It is so important to be eating the right amount of food depending on your goals.

Together, the three pillars will help you to become a strong, healthy and powerful with skills you can hold for life.

