Why did I start Powherful?

Welcome to Be Powherful, this community and program is a place for women to become stronger, healthier and feel powHERful in their skin.

The reason I started this program is because I have found when women start their journey wanting to get fitter and healthier, they get bombarded with social media, articles and the internet with diets, workouts, and supplements telling us how we should look and feel. Now while some of it can be good information, so much of it is just fads, which can be very detrimental.

The reason I know this is because when I first began my journey in fitness, I looked for information on where to start and did so many of the low carb, paleo diets, fitness fads and routines, and restricted my life to try and get fit. But nothing I tried really made me happy or healthy long term, in fact jumping from fad to fad destroyed my self-image and my self-confidence and my relationship with food.

 I ended up going through phases of under-eating and then binge eating, ending up messing up my hormones and my relationship with my body and food which took a long time to heal. It was only when I finally began educating myself at university in exercise and nutrition science that I began to have a better understanding of training and nutrition

Then I began looking on my health as building myself up, rather than punishing and depleting myself.

This meant I focused on a balanced training schedule, primarily based on strength training and I trained to feel strong.

I began tracking my food and eating a wider range of food, and ate to nourish myself.

And I began becoming more aware of my mental health, listening to myself, trusting myself and changing my thoughts from self-deprecating to self-loving. I also surrounded myself with people who supported my journey rather than tore me down.

Now easier said than done, the journey took me a while but has lead me to feel happy, confident and the healthiest I have ever been. 

My journey and my studies lead me to Personal Training, and working one on one with many women, I trained them with the habits and principals I live by today. When I realised that this knowledge could help so many more women than I could train one on one, I started developing the Powherful program, because I want to share this knowledge and support with as many women as possible, so they don’t have to go down the same spiral I did!

I truly believe that to start feeling Powherful, you must work on your health and your strength physically, mentally and emotionally.

Results come from finding the right balance of challenging yourself and caring for yourself, training and recovery, nutritious food and having a supportive community of like minded people to surround yourself with.

Thank you for joining me on your journey to becoming Powherful!