Meal Prep Guide


Munch Lesson Five - Meal Prep

Meal prep is a fantastic way to be prepared for your week. It involves organising your food in advance to eat throughout the week. I personally find this so valuable when I am busy, because I know my food is ready to go and I don’t need to spend extra time in my week cooking.

There are generally two ways I meal prep:

  1. Choose a Protein, Carbohydrate and Veggie for my meals and learn to cook them in different ways to keep it interesting.

  2. Cooking a bulk recipe


Base your meals around your meal plan each week. Plan ahead according to your week’s goals for calories and macros so you know what ingredients to buy, what snacks to have on hand and when you need to prep.

I usually make 2-3 different bulk meals for the week for lunch and dinner. Then I add in my calories per day with easy to prep snacks, smoothies, fruit and nuts.

I can use this to go shopping and to prep my meals for the week. I would prep my main meals on a Sunday to be ready for the week, and organise my snacks or smoothie ingredients. Then everything is good to go for the week. I usually make my smoothies the night before so they are fresh.


The two ways I store my meal prep are:

  • Portion into meals with correct portions and keep 2-3 days worth in the fridge and the last 3-4 in the freezer and bring them out to thaw.

  • Keep a big container in the fridge of your carbs, fats and proteins and weight at each meal over the week.


Tracking your meals in myfitnesspal can seem a big confusing if you have a bulk meal made. There are two ways I do meal prep so I know what to put in my myfitnesspal account during the week to track my food.

  1. Have protein, carbs and veggies prepped in the fridge and weight the correct portion at each meal

  2. Pre-portion the meal and save as a Meal on MFP

  3. Put the whole recipe into the Recipes section on MFP and divide up by the number of servings



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Kirsty HolmesEducation