Kierryn - "Through the program I am overcoming my biggest problem, my anxiety. I am doing things more independently and achieving goals I’ve set for myself mentally and physically"


My journey with the Powherful program has been one of the best gym experiences I’ve ever had! 

I like to think it found me at a time when I needed it, mentally and physically. 

I’ve always been anxious about going to the gym and classes alone I never felt comfortable as I knew I was more than likely doing everything wrong. I’d never done any one on one training so this was all a new experience to me. But I did it! And I loved it!  I never felt self conscious about people watching me work out or that I was doing things wrong. Kirsty took the time to teach us the right and wrong way to do each exercise, she encouraged us to push our weights at a more healthier level where I started lifting more weights then I ever thought I could. Going to the classes quickly became apart of my weekly routine I even looked forward to going to the gym.

The girls in the group are just as amazing super friendly and welcoming. Meeting new people for me is nerve wracking but after the first class that all went away, this really is a community. We all encourage each other to do our best, we share our experiences whether it be about exercising, dieting or just plain life. And when we muck up there’s no judgement we just help each other. I felt apart of the Community straightaway.

Through the program I am overcoming my biggest problem, my anxiety. I am doing things more independently and achieving goals I’ve set for myself mentally and physically.  My dieting has improved a tonne throughout the 8 weeks with Kirsty’s knowledge and guidance!! I couldn’t rave enough about this Powherful program and how helpful it’s been! I am so glad I found it💜

My only regret is I didn’t find it sooner. 

I have just finished 2 rounds of the program and I am hooked and ready for more rounds to come and continue to see my new personal goals smashed 😊  🏋️‍♀️💪🏽