Claire nailed her nutrition with Online Coaching, dropping 4.4kg and reducing her waist measurement by 5.5cm

Claire started Online Coaching with me and we set a goal to focus on her nutrition. She has been training with me for a few years and made great improvements with her strength, form, fitness and was now open and willing to work on her nutrition. She wanted to learn more about eating well, reducing “junk” foods and going into a fat loss phase.

In our coaching I helped her set up a nutrition plan with a moderate calorie deficit, gave nutrition advice and recommendarions and showed her how track her food on the app.

She took to it very well, she has been very dedicated for 8 weeks at tracking her food, improving the quality of food she eats, completing her check ins, learning how to increase her protein and add more protein sources, and still have some room for treats she enjoys!

Her goal was 65kg, and she started the phase at 67.2kg finished the deficit at 63.1kg. Her waist measurement has also dropped 5.5cm.

We are now in a maintenance phase to maintain her body composition but increase calories back up.

I am very impressed with how well Claire took to the deficit and how much she learned about her nutrition because she was ready and willing to!

If you want to start online coaching, whether your goals are to get stronger and fitter, lose body fat or get on track with some healthy habits you can book and Introductory Call from the link.