How to Improve your Self Belief

No-one’s opinion, judgement or belief of you is more important than what you believe about yourself.

While it is a human need to be loved and accepted by those around us, if we listen to everything that is said, we can lose sense of who we are and what we want.

In order to move forward in your life the way that you want to, you have to develop SELF BELIEF.

This means that you know, trust and back yourself, even through challenges.

If we lack self belief and doubt ourselves, or listen to the doubt from others, we can feel overwhelmed, lost, emotionally turbulent or distracted, and end up falling into old patterns and cycles of coping, rather than growing.

If you develop your self-belief, over time, it will hold you strong and centred against doubtful thoughts that arise.

However, easier said than done! How can you work on self-belief?

  • Ask yourself questions about what you really want, and get clear on it. To be able to truly believe in yourself, you must be willing to actually know yourself and learn about yourself!

  • Spend more of your attention and energy on what you want, rather what you don’t want, whether it is with your fitness and health, your work, your money goals or your self development.

  • Surround yourself with influence that supports you. I find podcasts, books and audiobooks are the best because they can flood you with the knowledge and words that support you, without personal judgement.

  • Find your people. Aim to connect with people who have similar values in their life. Go to events and meet ups and make friends with people who support who you are becoming. In turn, make sure to cherish and support your people! Believe in them and they will believe in you.

  • Spend less time on social media comparing and confusing yourself, and more time working on yourself, your projects and activities that you love.

  • Reaffirm beliefs that you want to be true for you. Our minds believe what we consistently think. My personal favourite when I feel self-doubt come up, is:

“I believe in ME!”.