Stop Labelling Foods as "Good" or "Bad"

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Stop labelling foods as good or bad!

Demonising certain foods and glorifying others can lead to an all or nothing mindset towards nutrition.

Unfortunately this can lead to certain foods being seen as “off limits”, which means you crave them even more!

The more willpower you use trying to resist these foods, the more tempting they become. 

This can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food, over restricting and then eventually binging. The guilt that follows often leaves you beating yourself up and seeing yourself as a “failure” with no discipline.

This is not a healthy approach, and won’t lead to you seeing better results at all.

In fact it can cause a yo-yo effect with your health, body composition and your mindset as you bounce from being “on the wagon” to falling “off the wagon”. These swings in your nutrition behaviours are not healthy for your body or your mindset.

I advocate balance in nutrition and developing healthy, sustainable habits.

I encourage you to not demonize foods. Instead get educated on nutrition, so you can understand how to get the best of both worlds and free yourself from a restrictive mindset around food.

No food is inherently “good” or “bad”. All foods break down into protein, carbohydrate and fat. 

There is nothing wrong with having some chocolate as a treat, a burger out on the weekend or a glass of wine here or there.

The key is to balance nourishing your body with enough nutrient dense food to support your health, energy, with a few treats for your mental enjoyment and satisfaction.

Focus on eating good quality, nourishing meals for 80% of your nutrition, and leave 20% leeway for treats and meals out that you enjoy.

While eating good quality food is important for our health and wellbeing, including treats that we enjoy is important for our mental wellbeing!