Remindher - 80% and Done is Better than 100% and Pending

“80% and done is better than 100% and pending”.

You don’t have to be “perfect” all the time to see amazing results.

In fact, trying to be perfect is what can undermine your progress, because if you believe you won’t be able to do something perfectly, then you won’t even start! Which of course doesn’t yield results.

So when it comes to following your plan and remaining accountable, 80% is enough.

Some weeks you may nail everything 100%, and some others a few life situations may happen, that is totally okay.

🍓80% of the time, keep the quality of your nutrition high with whole foods and allow 20% for processed or lower quality foods you enjoy.

When it comes to quantity, some days your calorie intake can be a little higher, others a little lower, as long as you are averaging your calorie goal over the week.

🏋🏻‍♀️80% of your workouts can be on point, but if every now and then you need extra recovery or do a lighter session that is fine. The important part is not seeing it as a failure and to continue on.

💭80% of the time you can be structured with your mindset work, doing meditation, journaling and sleeping 8 hours but we all have off days where we need to take a break or have a tough nights sleep.

Finding that balance of challenging yourself but also being sustainable is the happy medium to achieving, and maintaining, amazing results from Powherful mentally, physically and emotionally!