The smallest version of yourself isn't the healthiest

A message to my younger self: the smallest version of you isn’t the healthiest.

It’s coming up to my 10th year as a Personal Trainer and Women’s Health Coach.

This has led me to reflect on my own journey so far, and how far I have come since the start.

When I was starting in the gym, I had self confidence and body image challenges. I used to think (subconsciously) that the leaner and smaller I was, the more I would like myself, and the more others would see me.

The gym honestly was the best thing for me, I started building muscle and getting stronger and more confident in my ability, and this started my passion for fitness.

However at the same time I also started to find control in restricting my food.

I was very interested in extreme styles of eating, eating excessively “clean” and “paleo” and fasting because I had read it would keep you lean. I didn’t know the effect excessive restriction had on female health.

So after getting as lean as I did in the photo on the left, the rebound hit. I couldn’t maintain this level of leanness or low calories forever. My hormonal cycle went haywire, I started overeating on foods I had restricted, my acne broke out, I gained back weight and my stress hormones crashed so I was exhausted all the time.

It took me a long time to recover from this. Luckily I was also studying exercise and nutrition at university and my Personal Training certification to help me build my knowledge and understand what was a better approach.

It took me years of study, practise, trial and error and self work on my beliefs about myself to get to the place I am today.

Now I am so much more accepting of my body and have a balanced relationship with food, I have found a healthy set point with my body fat that maintains my hormonal balance, energy and wellbeing, and I focus on building strength and muscle over being as lean as possible.

This is why it is my passion to coach women with a sustainable and balanced plan for exercise and nutrition with healthy habits straight up.

You will feel so incredible, strong and confident in your body with an educated and sustainable approach!

Kirsty Holmes