Body Positivity Reminder

Here is a body positivity reminder to love and accept your body how she shows up.

It is great to have goals with your body composition, like building muscle, reducing body fat and seeing more shape and definition. Focusing on your training and nutrition plays a huge role in seeing this change.

However, on your journey, don’t forget that your body is already worthy the way she is, and may never be what you define as “perfect”.

Your body may change shape, but you might still have what you perceive as “flaws”.

You can build muscle, and still have bits that wobble.

You might start to see abdominals and definition and still have creases and rolls when you bend or sit.

You may start to see shape in your booty and still have cellulite and dimples in certain light.

While your body will change over time if you are focusing on your training and nutrition, don’t wait until she is “perfect” to start accepting her.

All these “flaws” are normal parts of having a female body, and while we all have different shapes, sizes and features, everyone’s body is worthy of love and respect. You are amazing the way you are!

Focus on your health, showing up for yourself, accepting your body and you will feel so much more happy and free in your skin!