Don't Compare your Work in Progress to someone's Highlight Reel

Different poses, same self-worth.

In today's social media world, it's quite easy to compare your own life, photos and appearance to the highlight reels of others or even a filtered version of your own photo.

But this comparison can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt and knock your self image down.

It’s important to remember that your value and self worth is more than how you look and also most of those people you compare yourself to don’t even look like that all the time!

No-one is “perfect”. We all have thighs that squish when we sit down, belly rolls when we bend, crinkly eye lines when we smile, rounded shoulders if we’re not sitting up, and most people will have some features that they are not super confident themselves.

In saying that, there is also so much benefit to finding angles and poses for photos that do make you feel confident, so you are more likely capture memories from your life to look back on and share with joy!

If we can learn to equally accept our unique bodies and selves the way they are, not compare ourselves to others, and also understand that we will look different in certain poses, lights and angles it helps with having a more solid sense of self image.

Your self worth and how you perceive yourself is so much more than a snapshot in time.

BODY IMAGEKirsty Holmes