Remindher - Empowered Eating

Nutrition is one of the principles of Powherful. Developing health habits in Munch, as we call it, is important for our health, energy and achieving our goals, however, many women have a difficult relationship with food.

Diets, advertising, cutting and restriction of food groups have all contributed to a confused relationship with food for many women. I want to help women break free from this cycle of feeling trapped by food. Feeling empowered through nutrition comes from education + experience.

The Munch aspect of Powherful aims to educate women on nutrition simply by understanding and applying basic nutrition principles. Make sure you have read through Munch in the Powherful Guide Book and started applying the habits.

Todays video is expanding on experiencing and applying the habits to your daily life. You must also practise compassion alongside discipline, because life happens and what doesn't help is beating yourself up every time you slip off track!

1. Start Slowly
I encourage you to read through the aspects of Munch and understand them, but when you start practising them, begin slowly. Start from the beginning (Quality) understanding good quality sources of food, being familiar with the sources of the macronutrients and using your hand for portion sizing. To avoid being overwhelmed stick with the simplest habits first until you feel confident.

2. Forgive Yourself There will be slip-ups and less than optimal choices with food from time to time, no-one is perfect! Make sure to forgive yourself if you overeat your calories or your 80/20% looks more like 50/50%! While you must have a realistic view that too much of this will stall your results, one hot day doesn't make a summer. Just hop back on track, without overcompensating as this can cause the swinging of binging and restriction and punishing yourself for your food choices which is not healthy for your relationship with food.

3. Seek Professional Help for Emotional Eating If you find you use food as an emotional crux, I highly recommend getting some professional help from a counsellor or psychologist to assist. If you do not address the underlying problem of why you use food to deal with emotions, it can be very hard to stay on track.