Weekend Checklist - Preparing for a Powherful Week

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Preparation is one of the best things you can do for success whether its for work, your health or hitting your goals. Use your weekend (or your equivalent of a weekend if you work Sat and Sun!) wisely to set up your week as a “self-fulfilling prophecy”.

Of course, you cannot control everything, and life happens, but you can be proactive before the week begins, before you start exclaiming “I DON’T HAVE TIME!”

When you have planned out your week, it’s quite easy to find blocks of time to get the little tasks done that save so much time later, and they take less time than you think!

I am not one to spend hours meal prepping or training and like to save my weekend time for social occasions, brunch and doing activities I love. Some weekends are busier than others, but I still make the time to organise the bare minimum to get ready for my week to stay on track.

My Weekend Check List:

✅Reflect on week and plan for next - is what you’re doing working, are you fitting in your sessions and meals, what would you change to make it work better for you?

✅Food shopping - with list in hand, stock up on the food you need to have nourishing meals and snacks for the week in your cupboard

✅Meal prep/ organisation - Cook a few meals for the week, or plan and prepare what you are having for your meals so you are not reliant on convenience sources.

✅Recovery and relaxation time - Get some time to get your brain and body into “rest and digest mode”, not always running around - take a bath, go for a walk, do a sauna, get a massage or book some chill time for you, even if it is just a small amount in the busy-ness of life!

✅Schedule workouts for week - What gets scheduled gets done. Book in WHEN you will do your workouts and what your plan is for your workout

✅Schedule habit goals for week - Book in your habits, especially the ones you are specifically working on so you don’t forget. Remember to work on new habits one step at a time.

✅Set out clothes for the next day - This simple habit makes the morning less of a mad rush and helps you to already have a decision done for the day! Make sure your clothes are clean and washed ;)

What are your bare minimum actions to get ready for the week ahead?

“An hour of planning can save you 10 hours of doing” - Dale Carnegie

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